Families cultures
Several factors make a family what it is. Some of them are good and some of them are bad. But either way, they are a part of who are as individuals and as a family, or even communities. But do we have to be that? All of those factors make a what we call culture. However, we have heard that culture is the group of characteristics of a community like a language, foods, rituals, habits, and many other things. And that knowledge is correct, but not complete. because if you notice those things mold a family's life, and then eventually the family will grow and increase the people in the community and carry on those factors, so the families end up influencing the culture around them. It is a circle of we must be aware of. And why? Because we can have control of that and change the culture of our homes if they are bad.
There are so many ways to interact with a family that each family will always be unique. Sadly, people are often comfortable with the things they know and not with new things, even if those familiar things are bad. Because of that, we end up staying and repeating the pattern of what we know. That is exactly why some people are trapped in having children at a young age because their mothers did, or because they have problems with substance abuse due to the habits of the father. Sometimes children that have gone through their parents divorcing tend to consider the possibility of divorce closely when relations get real or hard. If a parent did not finish basic education the children are more likely to drop out of school as well. Is even more obvious when gangs are made mostly out of family members, you rarely find someone on a gang that does not have a relative there as well.
From how I see it, people must learn how to be aware of their surroundings and these factors in their life. Because everyone has a level of influence from these bad things. And we are the ones that can make a decision to stop and change, progress and thrive, and change the culture of our family and community. It is necessary to change our way to think and realize that we deserve better, and not just for someone else's fault we will be unhappy. To stay in our current situation is denying the power of agency we have. For example, have you ever had a discussion with someone and thought they were wrong and it was their fault that you got mad? even though we face unfairness in this world, is it ironic that we feel someone else took control of our lives and made us angry? what is even more ironic is that most of those times to not say always, we hope them to apologize so that we can feel better. That is pretty much saying please come and open the jail you put me in out of evil. We can choose not to be there and be like that. We have control of our emotions and our lives. I know is hard to achieve that but we will experience real freedom if we try because that is the only thing it takes. To try.
The whole idea is not going to be attractive at the beginning even while reading this. But you know that a part of you knows is true and ready to change. The only thing I can say about that is that today is the first day of the rest of your life, so start now.
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