Two major deviation in families believes

Certain beliefs have followed people's minds for as long as humans have had a tongue to speak. Some of those are the desire of having families, to have a companion from the opposite sex to love and be able to procreate with. Another could be that we are creatures of groups and we do better in families and communities. Together with those ideas, we have the natural desire and goal to make those things thrive and prosper. We all want our families to be happy and safe, or even the communities to be safe for our families so that they can grow and create bonds with other people in good and healthy environments. And for years that has been a path to follow for humankind. Other smaller characteristics create and allow us to have those results, but what happens if step by step those start changing? What would be the result and how that could change the goal for families and communities? Today I would like to touch on two of those topics. One is the desire to procreate or have children. And the second one is the influences on parenting, either in a regular case scenario with mom and dad or a couple with the same-sex attraction or in other words a gay couple. 

People want to have kids and they have always wanted to because is a beautiful experience and helps us and them in many ways. We have heard that the family has turned into the heart of society and thriving communities. That has several reasons, but some of them are that helps a community to grow and have more range of possibilities. That is how from living in decadent and dangerous places in the wild now most of us have the chance to be born in a hospital, the progression of society has depended a lot of growing population. But why would people start having fewer children? Or what would happen if people start creating families that are out of the conventional?

Researches have shown that the fertility rate in many countries is going down, which means people are having fewer children and getting married less and later than usual. That has many factors involved, but we will touch on some of them. I think the biggest factor is because people nowadays see children as an impediment or difficulty to have children in their way of achieving "success" in life. And that is because the idea of what success has changed over time. Now everyone wants money and a degree and if they don't get that, their life was a failure. In my personal opinion, first Children won't stop you from getting that because is something good indeed but is also not the only way to progress. You could learn another language, paint, play a sport and many other things that will count as progress. And second, is that people have turned selfish. They want to only get what they want, and because of that, they put anything that might turn things a little into the box of not desirable. 

The consequences of having marriages of the same sex being more prominent and numerous over the years will show several things that we can appreciate nowadays, but it will surely be more noticeable in the future. There have been researches that show how children of same-sex marriages are more inclined to not have religious values, to have drug and substances abuse, to be more depressed and consider suicide more often, to be more unemployed, to be more sexually molested in their childhood, to be forced in participated in sex, to spread more STI, to have affairs, and many others. But on the other hand, we have seen that children raised in heterosexual marriages are less prompted to do those things. 


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