
 Even though marriages are meant to last and everyone tries to make it forever, sometimes it goes on a way we don't want to. Divorce is very common sadly and can happen to anyone. The idea of this post is for you to consider many other solutions such as therapy or counseling, but for divorce, it could be said that is the last resort. Divorce should be considered only after long periods of trying to make it work, after having sought help, and once it has started to destroy the integrity of a person, such as mental or physical integrity. Because the impact on a family when suffering divorce is great and in many cases is almost impossible to fix. On top of that, if there are marriages that got a divorce and then got remarried so they turn into a blended family, there are some important facts and recommendations for them to consider while trying to make that new marriage work. 

Marriage is ordained by God and is a commandment to establish families. The document called "The family: a proclamation to the world" is very clear on that and many other things like the roles of people in a family, the nature of gender, and many responsibilities that husbands and wives have. I would encourage you to read the whole document and learn more about it. Another thing that document says which I think is important to remark is that members of that family that are not fulfilling their responsibilities established by divine power will have consequences because that will create more problems than other members of the family do not have full control. 

When a new family is created from to people that are divorced and have to join children, assets and things like that, is time a great opportunity but it will bring its own challenges. the presence of a father and a mother is vital for the development and success of children, however in these blended families is important to make sure the right duties fall under the right parent. for example, correcting and discipline should always come from the biological parent. Because the stepparent will already have issues to have the acceptance of the children and we do not want to put that extra thing into the mix. Is also important that people are creatures of habit and they like to understand and think. one of the ways they can understand is by trying to predict things or outcomes. And for that to happen there has to be complete circles of the thing we are trying to learn and predict. Now the important part is that for a family to see how they are reacting and learn them, will take a long period of time. A minimum interval of years or 12 months, because to see the stepparent reacts on summers you will need to experience at least two of them, to learn how will react on Christmas and another occasion it will take off that two occasion. and that is important to understand because people can feel they chose wrong or that is not working when they have into the new blended family for 6 months and think that is all they need to learn from the new stepfather. However, if a family that is experiencing these things that know how time works, they won't get stressed and know that is part of the problem. Therefore they will have a better chance of lasting longer in their new marriage because they understand the difficulties beforehand. 

There are many other things, but all of it way better resume to the document I just mentioned. 


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